Monday, October 20, 2008

Crossing over

There comes a point in every pregnancy when you cross over aesthetically speaking. This has definitely occurred for yours truly:

At 6 months pregnant, people generally reacted to me as though they found me rather adorable - they commented on the glowing skin, and how cute and round I was, and fairly universally wanted to touch the belly.

At 9 months pregnant, the glow is gone. Now, people generally have more of a cringe reaction to me. They say helpful things like "Oh honey, when are you due?" with the tone of voice that is identical to the one you use when you say "Oh you poor thing!". This is generally followed by an urgent request to please sit down.

I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, no one with even a little vanity (sadly, I have more than a little) wants to be reminded of how terrible they look. On the other hand, since I generally feel tired, irritated, enormously fat, ugly, and pretty much fed up with the world most of the time these days, it's good that I'm not raising any false expectations via my demeanor that would lead people to believe that I might actually be cheerful or polite or anything. I guess the outside matches the inside?

I must say, I have a huge new respect for why Victorian ladies went into confinement for the end of their pregnancies. I would gladly accept any excuse not to have to burden others with my crabitude, and not to have to put up with all the idiots of the world in my present condition!

For those of you that have asked, here is a snap of my girth:
And for the record, I am due in 3 1/2 weeks!


Elise said...

My LEAST favorite comment when I was that pregnant last time was "wow, haven't you popped yet?" I'd be all like, NO, BITCH, WOULD I BE HERE IF I'D POPPED? Knowing, of course, that they were just trying to be sympathetic. BUT CHRIST.

So. I feel you, is what I'm saying. Also I know I need to call you!! Ack!

cr said...

Sorry, but judging from the picture you still look kind of cute and round. i may have told you that someone I work with is due a week after you and she is feeling the same way. We had to have a group picture taken today and she point blank refused to be part of it.

Tim Robinson said...

Well, I still think you're adorable.

Tu papa.