Monday, October 27, 2008

In Limbo

Had another ultrasound today, and Baby C is in the pink. He's doing exactly what he's supposed to: He remains head down, continues to have enough water in his swimming pool, and is growing and maturing and stuff. He is now estimated to weigh 7 lbs. 6 oz. although today they confessed that the margin of error is +/- a whole pound!

I am doing what I'm supposed to too - I'm about 2 cm dilated, and generally feel as though my body can't take much more of this.  (Weirdly, my doctor acts like this is a good thing.) So now it's just the waiting game... and waiting... and waiting...
I still have about 2 1/2 weeks to go if he decides to hang in there for the full 40 weeks, and I guess first babies often do that. Thank god my doc won't let me go past that - she's agreed to induce me that week if I can't kick him out on my own before then.

Between gasping for breath, trying to eat when I'm supposed to, and Braxton-Hicks contractions, we've managed to get the nursery set up, washed all the baby clothes, and have started packing up the diaper bags and suitcase for the hospital, so we're ready when he is.

Y'all cross your fingers that we have a precocious child, won't you?


cr said...

You may end up with 2 comments from me - but the 1st one didn't show up so far.
I'm glad he's doing well, and hope he's an early bird. (none of mine were.) It sounds as if you're getting a lot done. Even pumpkins!! I hope it's that burst of energy before delivery. Wish we could be there.

Lemony said...

It sounds like Chez C. is all set to go, and Team C. is packed and ready to deploy. Now sit back, put your feet up, and daydream of holding your sweet baby boy in your arms. (and being able to breathe deeply, and eat whatever you like:-) )Sending good thoughts your way that your little guy makes his appearance in a timely and textbook manner!

Hilde said...

Well, this year you could trick-or-treat all dressed up like a pregnant lady. From last week's photo, nobody could tell you from the real thing ;-)

We washed the blankie Jamie made for you in Dreft before we sent it, so no need to rewash. Let's just hope you don't get an irresistible urge to clean the kitchen and scrub the floors when you go into labor, as I did all three times!