Ultrasound yesterday! I would post it for your viewing pleasure but even with a guided tour, it's pretty hard to see what anything is, so I will just offer a summary instead :)
For starters, Baby C is estimated to be a whopping 6 lbs. 9 oz. at the moment (and mama is feeling every ounce, let me tell you!) which is fairly chubster for a 35 1/2 week old fetus. He basically gained a pound in two weeks and went from the 65th percentile to the 82nd percentile (hence his new nickname and the title of this blog post). He's face-down already so there's no chance to see his little mug, but we could see that he's got a halo of hair floating around the crown of his head, so that's kind of fun :)
I was a little alarmed at how big he's getting so quickly, but my doc isn't terribly concerned about it: she said some of it may be attributable to the gestational diabetes, but since I've been managing my sugars well, and he's only a little big, there's no cause for worry. I made cracks about drinking excessive amounts of coffee, or taking up smoking again to stunt his growth, but she said that probably wouldn't be the best way to go.
We also discussed her philosophy on how to weigh all the factors of baby size and gestational age versus inducing and c-sections. She is all for maintaining a balance between my health and the baby's, so if one of us isn't doing too well, we would look at inducing. However, as long as we're both ok, she believes we should let him cook as long as possible to avoid as many health and developmental problems as possible, even if it means a c-section if he gets too big.
I tend to agree on the whole, especially since Hubs was so badly afflicted with asthma as a kid. I definitely want to get Baby C to a healthy lungs stage of development, and I know with boys especially that means cooking them longer. However, I also want to be able to pick him up after he's born, and I am very serious about trying to breastfeed right away and that is all a lot harder when you've been recently gutted.
I'm a little conflicted as to how to think about all this, but in the end I realize that I can plan all I want to, and the birth is still going to happen however it's going to happen. I mean, even with a smaller baby, I could end up having an emergency c-section that would make all this dithering and twittering seem awfully silly. Or, maybe I have super powers or detachable pelvis bones, and could deliver a giant baby no problem. From that perspective, I guess the best bet is to make sure the baby is as ready as he can be when it's time, and just go with the flow until then.
Three 1/2 more weeks until we hit the 40 week home stretch, y'all...
I wonder if I'll still be able to walk?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Our fat monster
Posted by Miz E at 10:40 AM
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"Go with the flow" is not so easy when you are lumbering around with a monster load! But it's still good advice. A default setting of vaginal delivery ought to work just fine for now.
Oooh oooh! Do you think his hair is curly? I hope he gets your curls! Also, you sound remarkably calm. I'm impressed and sooo excited for you!
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