Monday, August 25, 2008


Some shout-outs:
1) The Hubs - I tell you what! Our darling men sure do take a beating when we get knocked up. Not only do they have to lift all the heavy stuff, and put up with alternately weepy and waspish women, but they get stuck with being the grown up every day! In the case of J and I, we've always been really good about taking turns being the baby: If one of us is having a shitty day, or needing pampering, the other one totally steps up and plays grown up. HOWEVER, since I got pregs, it's all I can do to act sane and with the exception of at work, acting grown up is pretty much out of the question. Anyway, my dearest sweetest hubs, you are the bomb-diggity. I promise to spoil the hell out of you when our son is grown and we're retired :)

2) The Rents - Speaking of spoiling, I am regularly spoiled by all 4 of my parents (and by my in-laws) which is quite lovely. Really I should never be allowed to bitch about anything just based on that, but it's my blog so what are you gonna do? :) This weekend in particular it's the Minnesota rents that are flying me and J up to Minneapolis to have one last pre-baby family bash! We are super pumped and already making lists of things we will doubtless forget to pack.

3) The Friends - We have the best friends! In the last 4 days I've had coffee/bagels with BFF H, been to dinner at some old friends of the hubs who not only fed us but gave us teh cute baby gear (including shoes with FROGS!!), had a WONDERFUL friend walk our sweet doggie when we had a schedule snafu, and had some more wonderful friends offer to watch our sweet doggie while we're in the frosty north! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

4) Big Sisters - My big sis calls, she writes, we crack each other up with little or no provocation, and she still manages to take care of me regularly. (Even over long distances, and when she really needs TLC for herself.) I don't know how in the hell she does it... If I can manage to fill half of one of her shoes, it'll be a life well-lived. That's all I can say.

You are probably asking yourselves "Does Miz E know she's not supposed to get drunk while pregnant?" or "Why are rays of sunshine practically shooting out of this woman's ass?" or "Does E smoke crack?". Well, put your minds at ease. I have not partaken in any controlled substances - just inexplicably feeling grateful at the moment, and thought I'd share the love.

Whining and complaining will resume at the regularly scheduled time tomorrow...
Love y'all...


Elise said...

Awwww ... sniff. Thanks for the shout out. I should make my own list like this. Can't wait to see you!

Hilde said...

Way to spread the love! Reading this just put a huge big ray of sunshine on my desk.

Unknown said...

I just got all teared up reading your props to Elise. I'm acting like I'm pregs over here, too.

Can't wait to give you smooches this weekend!