I come home from work everyday intending to add a brilliant post here, check my facebook, become a sparkling email correspondent, and learn something about babies. Instead, I change into comfy clothes, roll around on the bed for awhile, maybe help Hubs with dinner (or let him bring it to me which he will do because he spoils me ROTTEN), and only then do I manage to do something semi-productive like the dishes or cleaning the bathroom or posting ;)
What a lazy piece! I'm not even 3rd trimester yet, but I just feel so worn out after work it's like I have to absolutely MAKE myself get off my ever-widening butt. All I can say is thank god for the Roomba (and dad and C for giving it to us!) or we would be knee deep in puppy dog fur.
Also, thank god for credit...We finally decided that without my help there was just no way we could manage to paint the house this summer, and since it was really time and could only help in our endeavors to sell the house, we would hire someone and pay it off as we can.
I'm sure I'll regret the decision eventually when looking at the credit card bill, but right now it just looks so sweet and clean and Sunday Best adorable, that it feels like the right call. And a lovely side effect is that I'm really enjoying it myself again instead of just feeling like all the work we've done to get the house perfect is only for the enjoyment of someone else.
Bedtime for bonzo, but I promise to try to post more often if any of you are still reading. Maybe I'll get the hang of this or maybe I'll just finally stop fighting the dust bunnies and let them read along.
Nightie night
The dust bunnies can just get off their butts and cook supper for y'all! I bet the house looks wonderful.
You don't suck; most of the bloggers I know who post daily/regularly can do so because they blog at work. (Personally, I viewed my job mainly as a platform for blogging, but then you work much harder than I did.) The fact that you can even manage to post AT ALL after a long day's work is a testament to your strength of spirit.
Don't be so hard on yourself, you will have the same dust bunny thoughts again and again for the next 20 years, there are more important things in life. :)
Keep up the good work.
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