So we've finally had a little respite from the typical swelter that is August in Knoxville. This weekend has been gorgeous: Way lower humidity than we've had all summer, and it's been getting into the low 60's at night!! To celebrate the breathable air and balmy breezes, we decided to get our lazy butts down to Market Square for the Shakespeare on the Square production of Love's Labours Lost.
The play is a hoot, and it was SO NICE to be able to enjoy being outside again! Plus, since everybody and their brother was out on the square enjoying the weather, we got to see at least half of our acquaintance, including our good friend B who went to Juilliard once upon a time. She was visiting with some buddies from New York that are in Knoxville working on a new movie being filmed here, and among the group was Michael Emerson (he plays Benjamin Linus on Lost).
I, being a total idiot, couldn't place him at first and assumed he looked so familiar because I had worked with him on a show years ago or something. I proceeded to adopt a welcoming-yet-vacuous smile just to be on the safe side, and he looked rather nervous in response. I then finally clicked on who he was, and realized that the entire town has probably been fawning over him non-stop since he got here! I didn't have the heart to beg for an introduction, so I just continued to play dumb and smile, and wrapped things up to go home.
Turned out that was a good call because apparently the entire bar at La Costa kept sending him drinks and stopping by for autographs! Although I did feel a little bad about not saying anything to Hubs before we got in the car: I thought he was being as cool and aloof as I was, but it turns out that he just wasn't paying attention and hadn't noticed :))) Poor J...
Anyway, sort of nice to be rewarded for getting out of the house with a little brush with celebrity :)
Golly, Knoxpatch does seem to draw the stars! J really noticed, you know--he was just being blase ;-)
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