1) Tropic Thunder. (It's a movie.)
It is juvenile, and pretty much universally offensive, and I have never laughed so hard in my life! I mean, yeah, they make fun of movie stars, drug addicts, retards, priests, hip-hoppers, and most Asian cultures, but the fake preview with Toby Maguire may be one of the top ten funniest things I have ever seen.
2) Turtles.
Have you ever seen tortoises at the zoo attempting to procreate? The ridiculous futility the gentleman turtle faces in trying not to fall off the perfectly round shell of the lady turtle? Let's just say that there comes a point during pregnancy that it becomes really easy to empathize with the plight of our turtle brethren...
That's an mental image that will take awhile to fade ;) Hope you are doing well - can't wait to see your (fully-clothed) turtle splendor!
Yeah, I figure it was probably TMI, but that's why I rated the blog R :) That counts as full disclosure right?
Can't wait to squeeze you, honey!
Oh MY but the disability blogs and bioethics listservs have been going after that movie! Not my kind of thing--we're gonna go see Brideshead Revisited tomorrow nite.
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