How can we have a child in his terrible twos in the body of an 11-month old?
All this walking early and feeding himself early has led to an obsession to do everything for himself, and to have a FIT including TEARS if he needs help to figure something out. Of course it's worse when he's tired, it's not 24/7 or anything, but Lord have mercy I hope he comes out the other side of this phase as early as he decided to get into it.
On top of that, he can lift heavy things and run really fast, but he doesn't have the brain development to understand that this means he can drop the something heavy on his foot, or run faster than he can control. Bruises, bumped noses, and bonked heads are pretty much the order of the day around here.
I've decided this all because of Jon's genes :)))))
Aw, life is hard for the little guy! And his mommy and daddy too.
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