Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Some thoughts on LOVE:

I truly believe that everyone has the potential for true love and happiness with another person. Sometimes it takes forever to meet them, and you may not recognize them right away, but they're out there.

If anyone is living proof of why you shouldn't give up, I am! I dated so many utter assholes that treated me like garbage (of course I let them so I'm somewhat to blame, but at least I wasn't an asshole!), then I dated my first non-asshole, and it was so wonderful to be treated with respect and love  - I absolutely blossomed. Unfortunately, he was just really close to Mr. Right, but not he. Once I figured that out, I had to make one of the hardest decisions of my life: Do I settle for the best I've ever known but not right for me, or do I take a leap of faith and hold out hope for Mr. Wonderful? I decided to take the leap. 

Thank god I did, because I met my wonderful husband who is the very best of men. Not only does he love me with every fiber of his being, but I love him with every ounce of mine. We both know that we are loved, and neither of us can be happy when the other is sad. On top of all that, it is so easy to be together - I can't believe I almost sacrificed this out of fear! 

Mr. Wonderful, I love you very very much. Thank you for being in my life, and my wedding vows to you still hold true - I think about how lucky I am to know you every day, and am glad that you're in the world.



Hilde said...

Jon is a lucky man. As lucky as you are!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for writing this. I just found it today and have already forwarded it on to my favorite single ladies. I am so delighted that you and Jon found each other.