Friday, January 30, 2009

Into the great wide open

I go back to work full time on Monday with very mixed emotions....

On the plus side, it will be so nice to have help caring for our little bean, and I'm looking forward to seeing my bosses and those co-workers that I really like. Not to mention that it's probably much healthier to have some sort of structure to one's day. I mean I haven't even had to wear shoes on a regular basis for 3 months!

On the other hand, I am sad to miss even one smile or one coo that will invariably happen while I'm at work...he's just so cute it breaks my heart sometimes...

Ah well, since the lottery does not seem to be a responsible element of retirement planning, I know this is the right choice, but it sure would be nice to get to watch every coo AND be able to send him to college :) 


Hilde said...

Oh, but one of the real comforts of having children is knowing they don't depend on just you and you alone for every moment of their existence. Good luck on your first day apart! It'll go beautifully, I'm sure.

Elise said...

The thing about motherhood is that you're pretty much screwed either way. If you go back to work, you feel like you're missing out on precious baby moments; if you stay at home, you feel like you're missing out on LIFE. :-) Fortunately, the kids seem to be fine either way, and we all learn how to adjust to stuff. I know Jack-Jack will have the time of his life at daycare, and you'll thrive on the regular schedule. Let's talk this weekend!