Saturday, November 1, 2008


Went over to my bff's house to help hand out treats to the non-tricksters last night and enjoyed myself immensely! His neighborhood is famous for being the best in Knoxville for trick or treating, so people all over the northeast side of town totally cheat and drive their kids there for the big night. Since we only have old people in our neighborhood, we never get any kids at all, so I thought I'd go over there and enjoy the fun :)

SO MANY cute kids - spiderman and batman were definitely the most popular for little boys this year, and among the girls there were a lot of princesses and a few Raggedy Anns! (I didn't know kids even still knew who she was!). Being in the bible belt, we had at least 10 angels, and only one devil, but I gave her a TON of candy just on principle.

My fave of the night was a very chunky red & blue spiderman who offered to climb the bricks on H's house to show us his powers, and a rail thin pale redheaded little guy dressed as the evil black spiderman who was unbelievably polite and thanked us very graciously and formally for the candy. Both were about 5 or 6 years old and I could've just squeezed them if it wouldn't have been utterly mortifying to them. I managed to keep my cool and act impressed by their manliness and brut strength, but it nearly killed me.

I had contemplated dressing up as something round like an M&M, or Mike Wyzowski (sp?), but it turned out I was quite entertaining enough without adornment: The little kids just stared, the medium ones asked how many babies I was having (cheeky!) or what flavor he was, and the adults all said things like "Whoa! When are you DUE?" , "You'll get to do this next year!"

We did of course have the usual 10 year old boys that were trick or treating just for the candy and didn't bother to come up with even a little scary make-up or an attempt at a costume. In response, H & I cooked up a scheme for costume-based rewarding: Get full-sized deluxe candy bars, normal candy, and little tiny dum-dum lollipops. The kids who make an effort at all get normal, the ones who are super original get the big ol' candy bars and the kids who just are out for free candy get dum-dums. 
Of course,  the one problem with this scheme is that some of the no-costume kids might just be really poor and have totally uncreative parents, and I guess it would be kind of shitty to punish them for that. Still, I think it's good to totally load up the really good costume kids: Our winner for most original costume was a 10ish girl dressed in a sort of pilgrim costume that she had glued fall leaves and apples all over. We asked her what she was and the answer was "A girl of the harvest"! Tell me that kid's parents aren't college professors!

The most shocking costume of the night was a super slutty red riding hood that was about 14 or 15. I hope she had some supervision because that girl was jail bait in a gingham dress! I swear she had to have bought the costume from an adult fantasy store rather than Party City or something. Lord have mercy - I'm about as far from conservative as you can get, but I almost asked if her parents lived nearby to make sure she wasn't going around town in that thing! Maybe it's the maternal instinct starting to kick in?

Anyway, all in all a VERY good Halloween, and I do look forward to bringing baby C around in some little bug costume or something next year :) 

One more week, you guys!!


Hilde said...

How CUTE of you to dress up as a pregnant lady! And--very smart to do the trick-or-treat thing at BFF's house, because then you don't have leftover candy in the house that somehow gets eaten despite all good intentions.