Hubs has been very busy the past few weeks directing, designing lights, and building the set for his production of All in the Timing. Since this is his tech week, I was a good little theatre wife and spent my weekend making monkey heads and a Trotsky wig.
I'm pretty proud of how they turned out! I had to come up with my own pattern for the monkey heads, which I was only able to do because I learned the process of creating mock-ups and tweaking patterns from the lady that sewed my wedding gown! I found some fake fur that looked chimpanzee-ish, and made 3 open-faced hoods that fastened under the chin, then when hubs got home I had him model them for me and tailored them to his head. After that, we sewed/hot-glued giant rubber ears to the sides, and they look HILARIOUS. Seriously y'all if I can get a pic of J in one of them, I promise I will post it - it is a guaranteed laugh, and he actually looks pretty adorable as a chimp :)
Then, we had to do a wig that looked like Trotsky's hairdo on a very bad day, and rig it so that it would look like an ice axe was sticking out of his head. This too turned out pretty well! I mean, it would have been better if we had had a better wig to work with, but definitely will read well from the stage. Maybe I'm turning into a props mistress?
All I can say is thank god it's the Halloween season, because this show had NO budget, and these are some pretty weird props to try to get together just from stuff you can find at Goodwill!
Opening night is Thursday, so everyone send some good leg-breakin' mojo our way!
Go break some monkey legs, you two!
YEAH! I wish I could be there.
Sending good vibes...
(can you feel 'em?)
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