Sunday, September 21, 2008

Daycare after digestion...

Because I know that pregnancy hormones are pretty much worthless for ANYTHING short of keeping your pregnancy going, I have at least learned not to trust my brain with respect to making important decisions without some waiting period. (Had I not learned this lesson, I would have quit my job about 8 times by now - 5 times in the 1st trimester alone!)

So, after spending the whole evening of my last post crying my eyes out, I decided I needed to go visit the daycare to see if it made me feel any better, and it did a little :)
I still want to try to figure out some way to stay home with him for as close to 3 months as possible - give really shitty Christmas gifts this year, live off my Christmas bonus, totally give up on paying down our credit cards and just handling the bare minimums, etc. - but at least now that I've seen first hand how great the daycare is, and how cool the lady running it is, I feel less like a shoe-in for the worst mommy in the world awards. 

I also read an article in some magazine in the waiting room in my OB's office that was interestingly relevant: Apparently, the average US employee nowadays spends a much higher percentage of their total income on non-optional debts like mortgage, car payments, insurance, etc. than the average employee did when our parents were raising us. This is why so many families have to have two incomes to maintain a low-middle to middle-class lifestyle when our parents could manage the same on one income. Not sure whether this means we're paying more for our stuff, or getting paid less, but either way it sort of makes me feel better about not being able to manage on just one of our salaries. I guess I was worried we were under-achievers or losers or something, but apparently we're right in step with everyone else our age...

So onward and upward for there some kind of drug they can give you to remove all the extra hormones once you deliver?


Lemony said...

Hah! Unfortunately you'll still have all sorts of fun hormones chasing you around after you deliver, making you tear up at TV commercials with babies in them and distracting you while driving.

It sounds like you have a wonderful daycare provider–I'm glad that you're feeling a little better about things.