Thursday, July 10, 2008

e is tres crabbe

First of all I'm TOTALLY pissed off at the motherf@#%ers that broke into my sister's house! Dammit! Haven't these people heard of Karma? All I can say is the thieves better end up under a bus tonight...

Also, I hate packing for trips. Don't get me wrong, I love traveling but the actual process of packing makes me super anxious. I think some of it is the normal worry about forgetting something vitally important, or leaving something undone, or packing too much and being afraid I'll regret having to haul it around, but those minor worries don't really account for the level of crabby I tend to attain when forced to pack. I have suspected for a while that the fairly constant moving back and forth during the years of Divorcely Upheaval has given me a permanent bad association with packing. But how stupid is that?! I have had way more fun things to pack for than awful, depressing, guilt-inducing things to pack for! Stupid brain.

I also hate being pregnant. There I said it. You can go ahead and judge me now, and while you're at it you should know that I have had wine and colored my hair in the last two months. Also, as you'll doubtless recall, I wished a horrible death on the people that broke into Ceesa's house only moments ago. All of these things should be enough proof for anyone that I am a terrible human being that should be damned to hell, but apparently Karma's taking the night off so why not be honest while the gettin's good?

See, told you I was crabby...

My sweet hubby has just finished baking hot oatmeal raisin cookies and he's giving me one with milk before I go to bed.

Suddenly I feel a little more optimistic.

Perhaps I'm not evil and damned, perhaps these are all symptoms of needing a vacation like a wino needs his hooch.

Dude! I'm going on vacation tomorrow - I have to go pack....


Elise said...

Dude, I feel EXACTLY the same way when I pack! I never connected it to La Divorce, but I bet you're right. It also probably has something to do with the fact that I always leave it until the very last minute, so then I'm scrambling.

Re: pregnancy - Yes! It sucks! I'm convinced that MOST women feel this way, only we've all been brainwashed to think it's supposed to be this totally fulfilling, womanly, festival of fertility. WHICH IS CRAP. Who enjoys feeling nauseated? Or bloated? Or constipated? Or hormonal? ONLY CRAZY PEOPLE, THAT'S WHO. (I'm looking at you, Mom ;-))

Miz E said...

I just realized last night, when reading the pregnancy book you sent me, that basically every page is formatted as follows:

Headline - Your crappy, frightening, or just plain bizarre symptom.
Text - Why it's totally normal and natural, and actually a good thing when you keep your goal in mind which is a healthy baby.

I say Bullshit...I mean power of positive thinking is groovy in its own way, but I don't see them ever explaining away feeling good. (Because it never happens!)

All that aside, the book really is the best one, and it has been very informative about my random gross symptoms :) Thanks for sending it to me!!

Unknown said...

Yay vacation! See you on Ontario time!